Painted Skyline

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh herro new blog

My blog has been taken over by Chinese spam.

Yeah, I don't know how that happens but it has happened.
I never thought such a thing could happen to me!

To combat this, because I honestly feel inadequate every time I realize I can't even read the content of their spam, I have moved blogs.

So even though this new blog is not as pretty (sad) as the current one hopefully it'll make up for that by being a little more honest.
The link is being annoying so here it is. Good old copy & paste

Monday, April 12, 2010

Woke up at 7 am today and couldn't stay awake in class for the life of me

As I attempted to take notes during lecture:

Renato Rosaldo

· Research areas include the phipp

o Study of ethnocity and class In the US

o Write about other ethnographic writi]dn

o Convention of the ethnographic present, written before 1990 – expansitve present tribe

· Writing of ethnography could be less formal and more creative

· So free ========jargan free; it’s worthwhile

· Gallons of anthopoofiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

· Not just literary decodig of roms – inkj

· Does not have to be involved in the world in which you work in

· Because of poverty women tend to delay maternal invost mentinidies

· Choose which children needs good and love the most

o Objectivism implies, steeping into this

o To what extend is it your

o 3 interrelated aspects in objectivity why is highd

o he came to understand emotions at the center of society itself – head hunting society (masculinity are very important, expressed in hunting and other kinds of activities, impt role for grief”

Hmm... looks like when I'm sleepy I write like a fob with hand spasm issues.

Also I should update more often. I've been more vocal about my on-goings and feelings lately and thus have not written in my blog or journal. Time to retransfer!


Monday, March 15, 2010


I typed this so many times I started typing it as the password for all of my accounts. Gmail? Taipei101. Facebook? Taipei101. MyHarvard? Taipei101.

Now I'm finally here and WorldMUN is in full swing. I was interviewed today and they asked why I decided to dedicate my time to WorldMUN and I think I never really knew until this week. If you had asked me before now why I put in 5 hours a week minimum into WorldMUN office hours and meetings I wouldn't really know. I loved the people I worked with but wasn't sure where this was all going. But after a successful registration and meeting many delegates (who after one day I can't much remember but will surely start to after 4 more!) I'm starting to much better understand the answer to the question "why WorldMUN?".
I'm not trying to sell the organization to anyone. Being a part of it certainly has its ups and downs. But over all even after the very first day I feel invigorated (spiritually, physically I'm beyond depleted) and excited to be here and be both a big part yet also a very small part of what makes WorldMUN fun and function.

As for Taipei, the weather here has been great but somehow I've managed to catch a cold centered around my throat. This may have been from screaming I gotta feeling last night, but it also might have been from the 30 minute nap without covers on. Food here is cheap yet I've spent so much money on it lately. It's also hard to keep track of how much money I'm spending when the exchange rate is 36 NTD to the dollar. If I could do math (without a calculator) I wouldn't be a social anthro concentrator.

It's almost time for delegates to start spilling out which means I need to start working again. Cheerios.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010


My zero and [if you take a look at your keyboard] consequently end parenthesis has broken.

This has resulted in my asking randomly/wikipedia-ing "zero" to copy and paste the damn number. Yes my ID number has zeros in it. Sad faces ): have also become skeptical faces \:
B: I hope it carries over to your real life and you only get skeptical when things go wrong.
B obviously stands for brilliant.

I guess I can take this time to procrastinate by playing more ace attorney instead of wasting it online. 2 cases down, 3 more to go!

Speaking of countdowns:
2 more days until my first midterm [Oh...]
4 more days until Cultural Rhythms [slash after party]
13 more days until I leave for Taipei [Luxy!]

Let the good times roll.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

There is no central theme to this post

There are some things in life that should require two people - putting bed sheets on a bed must be one of them.

I have spent the past few days looking up New York restaurant/theater reviews on yelp during lectures. This past week I have had such great experiences with both restaurants and theater that I'm trying to further extend this good run.
Toro, a tapas restaurant in Boston, was some of the best food I have had in a while. Quite frankly I'm rather tired of asian aka Chinese food for now (I should abstain from asian until I go to Taipei in March) and Spanish tapas was a good change of palate. Not to mention that I had foie gras for the first time ever! The juiciness of it was unbelievable, yet nicely grilled on the outside. I sound like a yelp review - you are what you read.
Sleep No More, a theater production put on by the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge, was the most surreal and haunting experience I have ever had. The 4 floors of intricately decorated rooms filled with ambient lighting and varying music were eerie but fully immersed me in this world where men and women fought, danced, and kissed in silence and all in one scene. At one point I was lead by a woman in scantily clad lace into a room of observers where she proceeded to aggressively tie a necklace around my neck and whisper into my ear.. what? I couldn't make it out. It's beyond my abilities to convey to you in writing how intense this experience was, perhaps you'll just have to take my word for it. The last run of the show was on February 7th - sold out until the end.

I realized I have 3 drafts on blogger that I haven't published yet. One of them was about crazy people in Boston - basically I've realized that there are a lot more here. This is probably because I don't take public transportation (as much, now I do since I'm still not insured on my car, bah) in California.

Recently discovered the wonders of film - it lies in picking up and scanning the negatives. The set of 12 photos lined up on a black background just look so... real. More real than uploading photos from a memory card. My first experiment was kind of a fail with almost half of the photos completely over exposed. Here are some of the lines that turned out ok.

But first - one of me that someone took - what niiice depth of field. Oh those mamiyas. They're clunkers but they're pretty.
Also I am way too excited to be using this thing.

Forgot to change aperture outside. Damn it. Kind of loving the square format though.
HappyLight! Even seeing it in photo form makes me happy.

This is a compilation of two contact sheets. Yes, I had that many overexposed shots. Failll.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my life. Until next time!

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Surely not the worst of times

I'm just having a terribly atrocious day. For the sake of J who tried with all his might (told me I shouldn't, once) to stop me from posting such a blog post - I won't get into the details.

Interestingly, I guess I'm not one to be depressed because I'm starting to feel better already. Maybe it's the artificial sunlight emanating from my macbook. Which I need to switch out for a new one tomorrow.

Tomorrow will surely be a better day.


Saturday, January 23, 2010


Being one of the first people back at Harvard has allowed me to do at Harvard what I haven't been able to do much of during break - sleep.

After a nice 3 hour nap on my bed, bathed by the New England sun, I woke up and began to think about my situation this semester.

I'll be starting off this semester as I haven't for the past two semesters, with a concrete plan in mind. Two anthro courses, one core course, and one VES course. Except I don't know which VES course I want to take. Animation? Do I want to spend infinity hours toiling away inside a building with students I will potentially dislike? Do I have a choice? Why are there so many fruit flies in my room?
I'll also be starting off this semester without a boyfriend. It hasn't been that way since the first day of school, hahah! Oh, the single life, how I've forgotten how it goes.
Finally, I need to start getting funding secured so I can make this South Africa trip a reality. Sonke Gender Justice Network - here I come!

I hope these fruit flies are all male so they don't mate and multiply.
